
Aug. '04

Aug. '04

I wish every finish looked like this...

Aug. '04

Aug. '04


Sept. '04

Sept. '04

And, they're off, (I mean we're off. I'm in there somewhere)!

Sept. '04

Sept. '04

Sept. '04

Sept. '04

Ah, the Sierras... Where most of us are meant to be and most of us


Oct. 8, 2004

Oct. 8, 2004

My first aurora!

Not really sure, but...

So, now I to have a blog. What the heck? It's all the rage..gotta get one...everyone's doin' it...come on, get with the program! Weirdness is all around. Next thing I know, I'll be getting talked into building my own web site or something. Who's got time for it anyway? I should be out riding and getting some fresh air, you know?