So I changed my settings for comments to only allow registered users in the hopes of keeping spammers off my blog. Not 2 minutes after posting the first post that I have put up in months, the post gets spammed. I love it. Ah yes, I'm back...
Welcome Back to Me
I'm welcoming back myself to my blog. WELCOME! After a long hiatus from the whole on-line diary/log thing, I think I'm ready to jump back in the water. Seems that this is the theme in my life right now. After being quite literally checked out from most everything, including work, friends, and family, I'm getting back in the game. It seems to me that there are too many crazy things going on in the world right now not to make some sort of comment. So, here it goes...
An article out of the year-end issue of Adbusters sparked my imagination, and I started thinking about how out of control the media is when it comes to reporting actual facts and how screwed up the American psyche is from trying to figure out what is really going on in the world. It's just too much to deal with, which is why most people have given up even trying to get it straight.
Scenarios like the white house "planting" a fake reporter, (a republican blogger with press credentials and an alias so no one would know who he really was), during it's press conferences to call on when the President was being asked questions he didn't want or couldn't answer by actual reporters. Or the situation with journalists being paid large sums of money to promote the white house agenda in their columns. Adbusters says, "The payoff was so blatant that the General Accounting Office -an independent federal agency- condemned it as 'covert propaganda'." This is what our hard earned taxes are going to? Oh my God! You really can't believe everything you read. In fact, you can't believe anything you read. I may be a little behind the times on these particular stories, but it is outrageous none the less. We're being lied to and manipulated every day of the week through the media and the kicker for me is that we are paying for it. How is that for irony?
Even the so-called 'Liberal Media' is bought and paid for by huge corporations, who's best interest is the bottom line. Outlets such as NPR and PRI are underwritten by giant agricultural and pharmaceutical company's that the president is actually working for. It totally freaks me out that only bits and pieces of real stories slip onto the radar screen. Even with only those tiny bits, Americans should be outraged by the deception of a white house that is willing to go to any length to promote it's agenda of hate and war and general caos. I guess they figure if no one knows what's really going on, then they are free to do what they like, which is pretty much what they are doing. So much for our democratic system of checks and balances.
From what I can tell, the silver lining is that the white house may be getting themselves in a little deeper than they can handle. Opinion polls are starting to show a growing opposition towards the whole gang of thugs up there on the hill. Trust is rapidly slipping as more juicy tidbits of damaging information seem to be oozing into main stream every day. Hopefully, the media will have some dignity, get off the band wagon, (or is that ban-wagon?) and actually do it's job. I, for one, would like to know what is really going on.
An article out of the year-end issue of Adbusters sparked my imagination, and I started thinking about how out of control the media is when it comes to reporting actual facts and how screwed up the American psyche is from trying to figure out what is really going on in the world. It's just too much to deal with, which is why most people have given up even trying to get it straight.
Scenarios like the white house "planting" a fake reporter, (a republican blogger with press credentials and an alias so no one would know who he really was), during it's press conferences to call on when the President was being asked questions he didn't want or couldn't answer by actual reporters. Or the situation with journalists being paid large sums of money to promote the white house agenda in their columns. Adbusters says, "The payoff was so blatant that the General Accounting Office -an independent federal agency- condemned it as 'covert propaganda'." This is what our hard earned taxes are going to? Oh my God! You really can't believe everything you read. In fact, you can't believe anything you read. I may be a little behind the times on these particular stories, but it is outrageous none the less. We're being lied to and manipulated every day of the week through the media and the kicker for me is that we are paying for it. How is that for irony?
Even the so-called 'Liberal Media' is bought and paid for by huge corporations, who's best interest is the bottom line. Outlets such as NPR and PRI are underwritten by giant agricultural and pharmaceutical company's that the president is actually working for. It totally freaks me out that only bits and pieces of real stories slip onto the radar screen. Even with only those tiny bits, Americans should be outraged by the deception of a white house that is willing to go to any length to promote it's agenda of hate and war and general caos. I guess they figure if no one knows what's really going on, then they are free to do what they like, which is pretty much what they are doing. So much for our democratic system of checks and balances.
From what I can tell, the silver lining is that the white house may be getting themselves in a little deeper than they can handle. Opinion polls are starting to show a growing opposition towards the whole gang of thugs up there on the hill. Trust is rapidly slipping as more juicy tidbits of damaging information seem to be oozing into main stream every day. Hopefully, the media will have some dignity, get off the band wagon, (or is that ban-wagon?) and actually do it's job. I, for one, would like to know what is really going on.
Spammy Comments
No more spam in my comments! You now must be a registered user to post comments on my blog...What a disappointment to think someone is actually reading my blog, only to find out the comments are junk. Oh well, I suppose I shouldn't be to suprised. I mean really, it is the internet after all.