
What To DO?

These people are moving into a new house. Don’t worry, you don’t know them. They are excited as they now get to get a dog, not have to deal with the daily disappointments of apartment life and get to enjoy a great yard. It’s an old house presumably with problems that commonly plague old houses like plumbing issues, mildew, and appliances that have seen better days. Even so, they are gung-ho to give it a go.

The first week they move in a foreclosure notice shows up on the front door. The landlord is contacted and a meeting is set up to discuss the situation. It turns out she is a victim of fraud and all the equity in her property had been pilfered out right under her nose by an ex-boyfriend with the help of his local Posse. The bank is aware of the situation but the lending side of the bank is having a hard time communicating with the fraud branch. Apparently it is being sorted out. Not to worry… Lawyers are involved.

Only, the story goes on… The ex-boyfriend is currently in jail for violating a restraining order and is due to get out anytime now. The landlady will be disappearing for a while during this time due to the fact that this nut-job has made several attempts on her life, raped her best friend, and apparently was involved in giving another one of her friends brain cancer (he survived but just barely) after threatening his life. The nut-job apparently works for the Gov’t in the capacity of undercover agent able to pull off plenty of unsavory deeds with no repercussions for his actions. He’s above the law, or below it as the case may be. The local cops are involved and looking out for her and everyone in town supposedly knows what’s going on.

The question is: Do these new tenants stick it out to see how things go down? Deal with the funky old house that has great light, is super quiet, and will put up with a new puppy? Or do they get out of Dodge ASAP? Is the possibility of living inside a freaky psycho thriller movie worth all that quiet?

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