
Don't Make Me Pull This Car Over

If one more person complains to me about the price of gas here in WA or
anywhere else, I'm going to throw up on them! Is it really productive
to bitch about a self imposed situation? Hello...! Ride your bike. Take
the bus, walk. Do something and stop complaining to me about how it
costs 50 bucks to fill up your gas guzzling, 6 miles to gallon, piece
of crap-SUV, that only carries your fat ass to and from work. I don't
care if you go broke, because it's your decision. And really, I don't
care what your excuse is. Everyone has one. I have to drive to work,
or I live too far from where I go to work, or I have to pick my kids up
from school. You know what? When I was a kid, there was no one to pick
me up from school. My parents both worked full time jobs and I managed
to get myself home just fine. Thank you very much.
Don't Make Me Pull This Car Over

All I'm saying is, it's just not that hard. If you don't like paying a lot of money for gas, then don't drive your car so much. And be thankful you don't live in Communist France or some other Western European country, 'cause then you'd really be sorry if you were paying for gas.

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