
Interesting Encounters with Cars

Four way stop. A convertible Porche with the top down driven by a guy on the phone. We came to the stop at the same moment. He looked the opposite direction of me and proceeded to roll the stop. In fact, I don't think he even touched his brakes.

As I passed behind him, I said, "Nice stop." He flipped me off.

Now, normally I wouldn't have done anything because I'm not the confrontational type but the flippancy with which he threw his middle finger into the air made my hackles stand up. I made a U-turn and got back to the intersection just in time to see where he turned. I rolled up on him just as he was getting out of the car.

Me - "Hey man, flipping people off is not very nice." 
Dude - "What you said wasn't very nice, either."
Me - "All I said was, 'nice stop' after you rolled it. How does that warrant the finger?"
Dude - "Bicycles roll stops all the time."
Me - "Well, I don't and flipping me off was pretty out of line regardless."
Dude -  Walking into his house, "Whatever. Have a nice a day."

This conversation happened while he was still on the phone and I can only imagine what the person on the other end of the line thought. I felt like I was in 4th grade. "You suck." "No, you suck." "No, YOU suck." etc, etc.

Pretty lame.


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