
I'm baaack....

I am the accidental blogger. I go through phases with my posts. Either life gets too busy or I'm so bored out of my mind that I'm uninspired to write. No inspiration= no post. Today inspiration took hold, so here it is...

Every spring we have a flock of Swallows that hang out at our place for a few weeks. At sunset, they fly around like maniacs chasing bugs in the air. I love going out and watching them. I'm sure it's some sort of highly organized procedure, but it sure seems chaotic and crazy. Hundreds of tiny birds flying to and fro in waves over the creek behind our apartment. It's always cool on that first day when you notice they've arrived. Spring is here!

Now, I don't know which direction they are migrating, but I like to imagine they are headed to my Aunt's house in Alaska. She and my Uncle live in Homer on a beautiful ridge overlooking Kechemak Bay and the Cook Inlet. You can see glaciers and volcanos from their living room and kitchen windows. We had the pleasure of being there one summer during the time that the Swallows hatched. My Aunt built little bird houses for them under the eaves right outside the living room window. We spent hours watching the Mom Swallow bring food to them through out the day. We marveled as they grew and we could hear their little chirps all day long as the Mom flew in and out of the nest. We even got to witness the first flight of these little creatures. I think one pushed the other out of the nest. Ooops! It all happened so fast. We were only there for a few weeks and in that time they went from being tiny little babies, unable to feed themselves, to tiny little flying, bug eating machines.

So, it is always in the Spring when the Swallows come that I am once again reminded of how amazing nature is. Not that I really need reminding, but it sure is cool.

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