
Amazon, Leave Me Alone. Please.

I'd like to rant a little about company's who send email you don't want... I got one this morning for amazonfresh.com. You know, delivery grocery service. So I click the unsubscribe link and it takes me to a new web page where I have to click another link and then hit the "confirm changes" button. As if it were the end of the world if I accidently unsigned up for their stupid emails, which by the way, I never signed up for in the first place. But get this, the last message in the process is that they will send me an email confirming that I have unsubscribed to their offer of sending special promotions to me by email... un-freaking-believable. I think I just told them I don't want anymore emails. I currently have something like 1650 messages in my in-box. If they had a special offer to send some one over to file and organize all my emails, I might take them up on that!

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