

I do a lot of driving and with this being election season, I've had the opportunity to look at a lot of campaign signs. Yard signs, billboards, bus signs, etc. If it has a flat side, chances are it has a campaign slogan or name on it. It suddenly occurred to me that, for the most part the, Republican's are using the blue usually reserved for the Democrats. Honestly folks, there's not a whole lot of red going on out there, which seems a little off. Even the McCain/Palin signs are blue and are terribly hard to read to boot. Who ever hired their marketing firm should be fired.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say the Republicans actually have no interest in winning this election. Aren't they proud of their red(neck)ness? I suppose the argument could be made for wanting to distance themselves from the current administration, but I can think of a lot of other ways, like not sucking, to do that.

Democrats, get the blue back.

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