
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

I promised myself I wouldn't weigh in on the issue of Terri Schiavo and her right to life or death, but there's one little tid bit that won't leave me alone. Our oh-so brilliant President Bush said in regards to this situation,"it is wise to always err on the side of life." All I have to say to that is... Ah, anybody aware of what's going on in Iraq? What a two-faced, bold liar.

Either he's too stupid to realize what he said or just too callous to care. I'm hoping for the stupid agrument because otherwise I'm flat out scared. Side note: Add and extra "r" to scared and you get scarred. I'm probably that too. I wonder if I can sue him for emotional trauma? Just a thought...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't hard to beleive so many are so worked up about someone else's business they know nothing about? (Does sound like current foreign policy).
A rather nice coworker came running over all worked up about this. All strung together he asked we thought and started raving about how they might kill him too and the courts were creating Nazis - that's what the talk-show said. Then he dashed back to his cube. Way too much coffee!!

It was personal piece of the whole surreal parade. I swear Bill Frist makes Salvador Dali look normal. Maybe diving head first in snow will help? Couldn't hurt to try.

Hasta la pasta